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current members of the group
Tom Ole Bach
(cand BSc) - BSc student
phone (lab): +49 3834 865431
Yana Bodnar
(BSc, cand MSc) - MSc student
phone (lab): +49 3834 865431
Malte Debbert
(cand MD) - MD student
phone (lab): +49 3834 865431
E-mail: malte.debbert(at)gmail.com
Tim Frost
(cand BSc, cand MD) - MD student
phone (lab): +49 3834 865431
E-mail: timfrost(at)web.de
Manuela Gellert
(Dr. rer. nat., Dipl. Humanbiol., BTA) - postdoctoral scientist
phone (office): +49go 3834 865407
phone (lab): +49 3834 865431
E-mail: manuela(at)gellert.org
Lara Knaup
(cand BSc) - BSc student
phone (lab): +49 3834 865431
E-mail: lara.knaup(at)hotmail.com
Md Faruq Hossain
(BSc Pharmacy, MSc Biological Sciences) - PhD student
phone (lab): +49 3834 865431
E-mail: palashewu19(at)gmail.com
Dagmar Liebmann
(MTA) - Technician
phone (lab): +49 3834 865406
E-mail: dliebman(at)uni-greifswald.de
Christopher Horst Lillig
(PD Dr. rer. nat. Dr. rer. med. habil.) - Groupleader
phone (office): +49 3834 865407
phone (lab): +49 3834 865431
E-mail: horst(at)lillig.de
Michel Linkner
(BSc Biochemistry) - MSc student
phone (lab): +49 3834 865431
E-mail: michel.linkner(at)yahoo.de
Clara Ortegón Salas
(Lic. Pharmacy, Lic. Biochemistry) - PhD student
phone (lab): +49 3834 865431
E-mail: clara.ortegon89(at)gmail.com
Daniel Trnka
(Dr. rer. nat., cand MD) - MD student
phone (lab): +49 3834 865416
E-mail: danieltrnka(at)gmx.de
Tom Ulbricht
(BSc Biochemistry) - MSc student
phone (lab): +49 3834 865416
E-mail: tom-tessin(at)web.de
alumni - theses of previous students
  1. 2004, Maria Lönn, Project work (Stockholm Graduate School of Molecular Life Sciences), siRNA-mediated silencing of human Grx2
  2. 2004, Olivia Vergnolle, Master thesis (University of Paris), Expression and characterization of human Grx2
  3. 2004, Christoph Hudemann, Master thesis (University of Kassel), Isoforms of mammalian Grx2
  4. 2005, Moparthi Vamsi Krishna, Master thesis (University of Lund), Cloning and characterization of human Grx2 isoforms
  5. 2006, Martina Nilsson, Project work (Stockholm Graduate School of Molecular Life Sciences), Localization of human Grx2 isoforms
  6. 2006, Rebecca Axelsson, Project work (Stockholm Graduate School of Molecular Life Sciences), Kinetic analysis of human Grx2 modified by site-directed mutagenesis
  7. 2008, Valeria Cherkasov, Diploma thesis (Leibniz University, Hannover), Characterization of glutaredoxin 2 isoforms
  8. 2008, Maria Lönn, PhD thesis (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm), In vivo functions of mammalian glutaredoxin 2 (co-supervision with Arne Holmgren)
  9. 2008, Seyed Isaac Hashemy, PhD thesis (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm), Regulation of human thioredoxin and glutaredoxin systems by oxidation and S-nitrosylation (co-supervision with Arne Holmgren)
  10. 2009, Lena Schütte, Diploma thesis (Philipps University Marburg), Protein-protein interactions of mammalian glutaredoxins
  11. 2009, Christoph Hudemann, PhD thesis (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm), Isoforms of mammalian glutaredoxin 2
  12. 2010, Maria Funke, Diploma thesis (Philipps University Marburg), Localization of thioredoxin family proteins in the mouse and their relevance in Parkinson's disease
  13. 2010, Maren Werling, Diploma thesis (Philipps University Marburg), Regulation of cytoskeletal dynamics by glutaredoxin 2
  14. 2010, Hannes Richter, Diploma thesis (Philipps University Marburg), Ribosome display selection of DARPins against in vitro refolded erbB-3 ectodomain IV
  15. 2010, Petra Haunhorst, PhD thesis (Philipps University Marburg), Properties and functions of human monothiol glutaredoxin 3
  16. 2010, Cathi Cott, Diploma thesis (Philipps University Marburg), Molecular basis of the glutaredoxin 2-induced morphological changes in HeLa cells.
  17. 2010, Susanne Eitner, Diploma thesis (Philipps University Marburg),Localization and function of proteins from the thioredoixn familys in models for the transplantaiton of insulin-secreting cells.
  18. 2011, Benjamin Weiss, Staatsexamensarbeit (Philipps University Marburg), Development and establishment of methods for the analyis od the redox state in HeLa cells.
  19. 2011, Eva-Maria Hanschmann, PhD thesis (Philipps University Marburg), Thioredoxin family proteins in health and disease.
  20. 2012, Manuela Gellert, Diploma thesis (Philipps University Marburg), Identification of a thiol-disulfide switch in collapsin response mediator protein 2.
  21. 2012, Claudia Urbainsky, BSc thesis (Ernst-Moritz Arndt University Greifswald), Functions of the glutaredoxin system in glucose-dependent redox signaling pathways in models of diabetes.
  22. 2012, Maria Dechant, Diploma thesis (Philipps University Marburg), The role of sperm in the innate immune response to UPEC-induced epididymitis in mouse.
  23. 2013, Lena Schütte, PhD thesis (Philipps University Marburg), Interaction partners of cytosolic glutaredoxin 2 in redox signaling.
  24. 2013, Katharina Niedrig, BSc thesis (University of Greifswald), Influence of glutamate toxicity and hypoxia on redox signalling pathways in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells.
  25. 2013, Susanne Schipper, BSc thesis (University of Greifswald), Membrane transduction of thioredoxin depending on its redox state.
  26. 2013, Annika Buhrow, Diploma thesis (University of Greifswald), Thioredoxins and glutaredoxins in cellular models of Diabetes.
  27. 2013, Marcel Imber, Diploma thesis (University of Greifswald), Characterization of mammalian nucleoredoxin.
  28. 2013, Jessica Mitlöhner, Diploma thesis (University of Greifswald), Redox control in models of neuronal differentiation.
  29. 2014, Kim Tiedemann, BSc thesis (University of Greifswald), Redox modifications in cellular models of neurodegeneration.
  30. 2014, Dennis Uhlenkamp, BSc thesis (University of Greifswald), Is Cyfip1/Sra1 a mediator between the CRMP2 signaling pathway and the dynamics od the actin cytoskeleton?
  31. 2014, Daniel Trnka, BSc thesis (University of Greifswald), Cloning and characterization of human cytochrome c and its role in doxorubicin-induced apoptosis.
  32. 2014, Claudia Urbainsky, Master thesis (University of Greifswald), The function of nucleoredoxin during neuronal development.
  33. 2014, Adrian Lübken, Diploma thesis (University of Greifswald), Identification of potential nucleoredoxin substrates.
  34. 2015, Lisa Falk, BSc thesis (University of Greifswald), Characterizations of thioredoxins and glutaredoxins in the pathogenesis of age-related macula degeneration.
  35. 2015, Oliver Handorf, BSc thesis (University of Greifswald), Characterizations of human thioredoxin 1.
  36. 2015, Hannes Forkelf, Diploma thesis (University of Greifswald), The role of thioredoxin 1 in the activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome.
  37. 2016, Christoph Voigt, MD thesis (University of Greifswald), Influence of the redox state of CRMP2 on cytoskeletal dynamics.
  38. 2016, Eva Seumer, BSc thesis (University of Greifswald), Transciptional and post-transcriptioanl Variants of p53 in clera cell renal carcinoma.
  39. 2016, Melanie Skibbe, MSc thesis (University of Greifswald), The role of the deubiquitinase BAP1 and ferroptosis in the resistance of clear cell renal cell carcinoma towards radiation therapy.
  40. 2017, Laura Jordt, BSc thesis (University of Greifswald), Do BolA2 and Grx3 interact in the assembly of iron-sulfur clusters?
  41. 2017, Dennis Uhlenkamp, MSc thesis (University of Greifswald), Signal transduction through the CRMP2 redox switch.
  42. 2017, Manuela Gellert, PhD thesis (University of Greifswald), A thiol-disulphide switch in the regulation of cytoskeletal dynamics.
  43. 2017, Maria Antonia Oster, BSc thesis (University of Greifswald), Do transcript variants of p53 correlate with clincopathological features and outcome in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC)?
  44. 2018, Michel Linkner, BSc thesis (University of Greifswald), Influence of electrostarics on protein-protein interactions.
  45. 2019, Daniel Trnka, PhD thesis (University of Greifswald), Functional characterization of human class I and class II mitochondrial glutaredoxins.
  46. 2019, Felix Berens, MSc thesis (University of Greifswald), Quantitative comparison of protein isosurfaces with approximated Gromov-Wasserstein-distance.
  47. 2019, Katharina Schneider, BSc thesis (University of Greifswald), Initiation of an oxidative redox signaling pathway that regulaates cytoskeletal dynamics in a HeLa cell culutre model.
  48. 2019, Laura Magdalena Jordt, MSc thesis (University of Greifswald),Functional interaction of Glutaaredoxin 2 and BolA2 in iron metabolism.
  49. 2019, Calvin Klein, BSc thesis (University of Greifswald), Electrostatic interactions between human Trx and TrxR.
  50. 2020, Lukas Willy Bruhn, MSc thesis (University of Greifswald), Predicting protein interactions with computational geometry and machine learning methods.
alumni - previous co-workers
  • Dr. Katharina Schmidt, former postdoc, now in industry
  • Susanne Eitner, Dipl.-Humanbiol., technician, now University of Essen, Germany
  • Dr. Eva-Maria Hanschmann, former postdoc, now Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Germany
  • Dr. Nils Kröger, visiting scientist, now resident urologist in Magdeburg, Germany
  • Dr. Rowena Brandt, senior scientist, retired
  • Dr. Carsten Berndt, visiting scientist, now Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Germany
  • Prof. Dr. Jose Godoy-Berthet, former postdoc, now Long Island University, New York City, United States of America
  • Oliver Handorf, former technician, now MSc student, University of Greifswald, Germany
  • Sabrina Oesteritz, technician, now Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Germany
We always welcome the applications of excellent Individuals for BSc/MSc/Diploma/MD/PhD student or postdoc positions. Please send your inquiries to: bewerbung(at)lillig.de

[2020-02-26]  [ page top ]